Standard Terms and Conditions for regular giving agreements by credit or debit card
Regular giving by debit or credit card
When a donor chooses to support IRCT through a regular giving agreement, IRCT may withdraw the chosen amount on the first day of each month
Other than the donation, there are no additional costs associated with the conclusion of a regular giving agreement.
The donor will receive a receipt by e-mail (or by letter if e-mail is not available) for each payment, unless they subsequently advise by telephone, per. email or otherwise in writing that they do not wish to receive such a receipt.
Purchase and Liability
If the donor specifies that the donation is to be used in connection with a specific project, each subsequent donation will go to the same project. If the donor has provided their CPR number to IRCT in order to be eligible for tax deductions according to applicable rules, IRCT will provide for reporting to SKAT of the total amount donated. IRCT has no other obligations to the donor, nor does the donor have any further obligation on the basis of the donation.
Registration of information
IRCT registers information received in connection with the donation. The information is not disclosed to third parties, however for accounting reasons IRCT will stores the information for a period of five years. IRCT uses logs on the donation page. The log files are used to record which selections the user makes on the page. When payment is by credit card, registration is done via a secure ePay server where the information is encrypted.
By entering into a regular giving agreement, the donor authorizes IRCT to contact them by e-mail and telephone in order to renew the subscription when the payment card expires or is blocked.
If there are ongoing payments from a card and the card is changed or renewed, ongoing payments will cease and we would therefore request that card details are kept up to date.
If the donor wishes to terminate their regular giving agreement, this can be done by contacting IRCT by e-mail or telephone. For cancellations notified 7 days prior to the payment date, the regular giving agreement will expire before the next payment.
Right of cancellation/refund
There is no right of cancellation on donations made through a regular giving agreement by credit or debit card.
Any complaints regarding errors or problems in connection with the donation can be made to the following address, e-mail or telephone number.
Fælledvej 12
Globalhagen House Building C, 2nd floor
2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark
CVR. NR: 16701033
Tel: +45 44 40 18 30